> gallery-index > 2001-index
> 室田光政の履歴書
■室田光政の履歴書 |
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2001/12 Pale GLOBEギャラリー
[ 証明写真 / PC / 市販の履歴書 ]
●CV of Mr. Mitsumasa Murota
Pale Globe gallery, Dec, 2001
work for Message project of The hypothesis art
ID photo PC CV paper
Contributed my work for the exhibition for about A3 space
Mr. Mitsumasa Murota is imaginary person I made up but if there
is CV, it causes an illusion that
Mr. Mitsumasa Murota is real and Sumiko Nogi turn into imaginary
person and makes you think
what is the truth.
The hypothesis is not lie, it is a clue to lead the truth.
Mr. Murota wrote down about his whole life just on the A3 size
paper, his past and future on CV.
It is impossible to understand about Mr. Murota by piece of
a paper.
Mr. Murota only knows the truth and lie on this CV.